Sunday, 6 July 2008

A proven formula (3)

A proven formula that makes a unique Acai blend

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Kiwi Fruit: Kiwi fruit contains abundant phytonutrients plus numerous vitamins and minerals. The kiwi fruit gained its fame as a delicious blood thinning alternative to aspirin for protecting cardiovascular health. Children eating kiwi fruit have also been found to be less susceptible to respiratory related health problems including wheezing, shortness of breath and night coughing. The kiwi fruit is native to china and has been used for:

* Controlling Cholesterol
* Reducing triglycerides found in the blood stream
* Treating and preventing macular degeneration associated with aging
* Removing and/or Binding colon toxins
* Preventing Colon and prostate cancer
* Blood sugar levels
* Protecting DNA from free radicals
* Inhibiting skin cancers

Blueberries: This antioxidant powerhouse is partly responsible for keeping us healthy, smart and young. Blueberries have been documented with a long history of different applications including:

* Anti-aging
* Appetite enhancement
* Blood vessel support
* Fighting Cancer, particularly cervical and breast cancers
* Treating coughs
* Cardiovascular protection
* Lowering bad cholesterol
* Diabetes
* Eyestrain
* Indigestion
* Macular Degeneration
* Memory enhancement
* Urinary tract infections

Bilberries: The blueberries are a close relative of the Bilberry and it has been noted that this berry is great for strengthening of the capillaries of the eye. Bilberry is widely known for reducing the speed of macular degeneration, night blindness and diabetes related eye disorders. The bilberries have a broad range of healing and restorative effects for:

* Amenorrhea
* Angina
* Bladder stones
* Blood disorders
* Bruising
* Capillary strength
* Chronic fatigue
* Collagen formation
* Coughs
* Diabetes
* Diarrhea
* Fighting inflammation
* Glaucoma
* Gout
* High Blood pressure
* Restoring and promoting collagen
* Preventing Heart attacks and strokes
* Preventing and treating rheumatoid arthritis
* Ulcer treatments

Rumberry: The Rumberry is also known as the Camu Camu berry which is the world’s richest source of Vitamin C. It has approximately 30-60 times higher amounts of Vitamin C than any citrus fruit. The Rumberry is known for its ability to strengthen the immune system and repair connective tissue. The Rumberry has been noted for its powers as an astringent, antioxidant and emollient. The Rumberry is effective against:

* Viral infections
* Common colds
* Macular degeneration
* Gum problems

Wolfberry: The herb of longevity is what the Wolfberry is known as by the Chinese. It provides a strong effective combination of antioxidants and polysaccharides which has been proven to enhance the activity of the immune system. The various ailments and health conditions found through science and history the Wolfberry has been known to help:

* Chronic fatigue
* Headaches
* High Blood Pressure
* Damaged DNA
* Arthritis
* Cancer
* Diabetes
* Vision related issues
* Circulatory problems
* Insomnia
* Arthritis
* Sexual dysfunction
* Complexion and skin issues
* Dehydration

Pomegranate: Pomegranate juice just by itself contains more antioxidants than red wine, green tea, blueberry juice, cranberry juice or orange juice. It has been proven as a highly effective way of clearing plaque from inner arterial walls. Pomegranate juice has been used by science to:

* Prevent heart attacks, strokes
* Preventing and treating cancer
* Combating diabetes
* Blood Pressure disorders
* Prevent blood clotting
* Intestinal problems of all types
* Eliminating parasite
* Fighting fungal infections and bacterial infections
* Cholesterol problems

Lychee: This native fruit to the warmer forests of Southern China and Vietnam has been cultivated for over a thousand years. At 72mg of Vitamin C per 100 grams of flesh the lychee is a very good source for this vitamin, as well as potassium and other important nutrients. By consuming many lychee each day it may reduce the chances of cancer and many other common diseases of today.

A proven formula (2)

A proven formula that makes a unique Acai blend

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Pears: Pears has been consumed and found in asia as far back as 3000 years ago. There has been suggestions that the pear was discovered by people in the Stone Age. The pear was classified as an exotic food item in the court of Louis XIV.

Pears are filled with flavour, fibre, potassium, polyphenols, vitamin C and copper. Pears contain Laevulose which is the sweetest known natural sugar found and is more prevalent than any other fruit. The nutrient density is that high that there is more nutrients per calorie than calories per nutrient. Pears have been said to provide:

* Antioxidant Protection
* Anti Inflammatory Functions
* Maintaining Heart Health
* Supporting Nerve Transmission
* Fighting Infections
* Aiding Metabolism
* Increasing Capillary Strength
* Tissue Repair
* Healing Wounds and Bruises
* Protecting Cell Membranes
* Bowl Regularity
* Lowering Cholesterol
* Cleansing the Colon of Harmful Chemicals
* Protecting Vision
* Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Aronia (Black Chokeberry): Aronia juice contains very high levels of anthocyanins and flavonoids. The amounts found in Aronia are five to ten times higher than cranberry juice. It contains beneficial nutrients such as antioxidants, polyphenols, minerals and vitamins that are compounds used to specifically fight cancer and cardiac disease. Aronia contains important trace minerals. This is also used as an anti-diabetic food.

Aronia has been documented to be helpful in the fight against inflammations, diabetes and circulatory problems. It contains ten times the quintic acid content of cranberries making it a very likely fruit for combating urinary tract infections.

Cranberries: Cranberries are rich in many phytonutrients and proanthocyanidins which is found to prevent the adhesion of certain bacteria associated with urinary tract infections to the urinary tract wall. These same anti-adhesion properties fight bacteria associated with gum disease and stomach ulcers. Cranberries have many applications which they help with. Some of which include:

* Anorexia
* Antibiotics
* Blood Disorders
* Gall bladder and liver disorders
* Indigestion
* Promoting Regularity
* Prostatitis
* Protecting against prostate and urinary tract cancers
* Reducing risk of gum disease
* Reducing risk of heart disease and ulcers
* Supporting gum health
* Urinary tract health

Passion fruit: This fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre. This includes calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulphur and B Vitamins. The passion fruit dates back to biblical times and its modern day applications include promotion of sleep, calming anxiety and addressing hyperactivity in children. Passion fruit juice has been used for:

* Asthma / Respiratory Health
* Urinary Tract Infections
* Mild diuretic
* Promoting Heart Health

Banana: Bananas are one of the most common fruits found and are often taken for granted with only a few realizing health benefits. Bananas are the only fruit that comes from trees or bushes but not from large plants that are giant herbs and are related to the orchid and lily family.

Bananas are rich in magnesium, fibre, Vitamin B6 and are particularly famous for its potassium content. This electrolyte helps regulate blood chemistry especially when it comes to the pH balance. It is believe the serotonin and norepinephrine in bananas can help people who suffer depression. Bananas are also known to help:

* Antioxidant protection
* Controlling blood pressure
* Better carbohydrate metabolism
* Muscle contraction
* Prevents blood from becoming over acidic
* Better protein metabolism
* Helping concentration and memory
* Providing instant energy
* Satisfying sugar cravings
* Promoting better moods
* Protection against heart disease and cancer
* Promotion of better sleep
* Relieving both diarrhoea and constipation
* Produce collagen
* Steadying nerves
* Calming peptic ulcers

Apricots: Apricots contain a rich assortment of antioxidants and are abundant with soluble fibre, beta-carotene, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, potassium and Vitamin C. They also provide a natural salicylate which is a major ingredient found in aspirin.
The apricot is also linked to lowering the risk of heart disease, stroke, cataracts and some forms of cancer. Apricots are also known to help with:

* Macular Degeneration
* Cataracts
* Fighting Cancer
* Heart / vascular health
* Blood pressure stability
* Prostate health
* Preventing Strokes

Prunes: Prunes are dried plums that are rich in minerals and phenols plus have an extremely high ORAC value. The drying process actually provides more than six times the amount of antioxidant powers. Prunes help people of all ages and can prevent and/or treat diseases of aging when integrated in to their diet. Prunes are also helpful with:

* Boosting bone density
* Bowel cleansing and regularity
* Cardiovascular disease
* Liver cleansing
* Preventing memory loss and Alzheimer’s
* Fighting infections
* Diabetes
* Diverticular disease
* Reducing cholesterol
* Reducing the risk of estrogen dependent cancers

A proven formula (1)

A proven formula that makes a unique Acai blend

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Acai berry: The unique berry from the top of the Acai Palm in the Amazon rainforest which has recently gained fame in the western world. The Oprah show had a special guest Dr. Nicholas Perricone, MD who announced the Acai berry to the world as one of the top 10 superfoods in the world. His best seller book “The Perricone Promise” declears the most perfect food on the planet is the Acai berry.

In a segment that was aired on NBC’s Today Show called the Acai berry the Viagra of the Amazon. The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and Health Sciences Institute mentioned the Acai berry in various articles. Some of the benefits reported by these organisations said the benefits/features of the Acai berry are:

* Greater Energy / Stamina
* Improved Mental Focus
* Prevention and Treatment of Alzheimer’s
* Better Sleeping Patterns
* Improved Digestion
* Improved Sexual Function
* High Levels of Antioxidants
* Anti-aging support
* Promotes Better Circulation
* Prevents Arteriosclerosis
* Provides Anti-Allergenic Support
* Helps Prevent Blood Clots
* High Levels of Dietary Fibre
* High Levels of Essential Amino Acids and Trace Minerals
* High Levels of Plant Sterols Which Help Control Cholesterol
* Essential Fatty Acids Ratio that Resembles Olive Oil To Help Combat Heart Disease
* Protein Profile Similar To An Egg
* Very Low Sugar Content

Grapes Purple/White: The varying colours of grapes provide a spectrum of antioxidant protective power to this versatile fruit. Grape juice is reported to reduce the risk of cancer, stroke, heart disease and memory loss.
Purple grapes contain resveratrol which is a potent cancer fighting antioxidant found in red wine and other grape products. Grape juice has also been known to provide benefits in the areas of:

* Anti Aging
* Anti Bacterial / Viral
* Anti Inflammatory
* Antioxidants
* Arterial flexibility
* Brain, Skin and Eye Health
* Cardiovascular Health
* Gastric Health
* Inhibiting Prostate Cancer

Nashi Pear: This pear was once reserved to be served only to the wealth and to Chinese nobles. These pears have been grown, cultivated and consumed for centuries. Little is known about the Nashi pears origin but it started to appear in China approximately 3000 years ago.

Nashi pears are a great source of dietary fibre, they are also very high in potassium and other essential minerals. They contain almost 10% of the USRDA for Vitamin C, high concentrations of foliates which are members of the Vitamin B group. These vitamins are essential for metabolic activity and red blood cell production.

Acerola Cherries: The Acerola cherry grows in the sandy soils of tropical continents. It is a powerful antioxidant which is rich in vitamins and minerals. More than 150 nutritive constituents have abeen identified in Acerola. One area where the Acerola cherry excels is with its strong anti-fungal and cholesterol lowering capabilities.

If has also been proven to fight cellular aging while at the same time help with hydration of skin to promote healthy capillary function. The Acerola has been used over the years for:

* Treating fever, dysentery
* Healing wounds
* Inflammation
* Astringent
* Liver function and problems
* Renal system stimulant
* Diuretic
* Healthy heart function
* Anemia
* Diabetes
* Rheumatism
* Tuberculosis

The Story Continued

Acai Berry - The Story
Article Index
Acai Berry - The Story
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The best solution: The Acai berry

The first step in this process was to find the ultimate combination and variety of fruits which were rich in pigments. If the right fruit was rare or expensive it was still required to be used. This meant compromise was not an option. The next step was turn them in to a puree which included flesh, skin and seed to ensure the capture of all rich nutrients. The third step was to include the repairing benefits of Celadrin and Glucosamine enabling the body to enjoy the full benefit of these wonderful fruits. The final step was to bottle the Acai juice with the natural ingredients which would enable prompt results.

This solution with the help of the Acai berry provides the full impact of what fruits really have to offer. What makes this perfect is the Acai berry as it is a blend of rare and lesser consumed fruits from the 4 corners of the earth that are rich in natures benefits. It is not a mixture of none existing fruits it was just the best scientific combination.

The Acai palms roots are entrenched in the Amazon. This region is so vast and plays such an important part in todays world as it spans past the borders of eight countries, it has the worlds’ largest river basin as well as containing one fifth of the worlds freshwater. It also contains the worlds highest diversity of birds and fresh water fish. It is largest and most luxuriant rainforest which amazingly has more than one third of all species living in it in the world. Despite these facts the Amazon ecosystem is fragile and in peril. Contributing factors include illegal logging, slash and burn agriculture and other human related impacts are consuming this great rainforest at a rate exceeding 9,000 square miles per year.

The Makeup of the Acai berry

This berry is a fruit which is 90% nut and 10% pulp. It has to be carefully handled before it can be consumed. During this process the Acai berry is put in to machine and water is added which then the combination is agitated against one another. This process then separates the Acai pulp from the seed to produce a thick fruit pulp puree. The Acai berry has a unique tropical fruit flavour and provides a high level of nutritional benefits.

An Amazonian traditional recipe mixes the Acai berry fruit pulp and natural guarana seed which gives energy and heighten mental clarity that has a caffeine like effect when combined. Natives living along the Amazon River region in Northern Brazil have had the Acai berry as a part of their diet for hundreds of years.

The Acai berry contains very high amounts of the essential fatty acid and omegas proven to lower LDL and maintain HDL cholesterol levels. The Acai berry also has a remarkable concentration of antioxidants to help combat free radicals and premature aging.

How to purchase Acai berry fruit juices

After reading all of the information available on this website you are probably wondering how to get Acai berry fruit juices. Magic Berry offers you the opportunity to obtain a leading product in the market which you can not only purchase but on sell to friends, family and even complete strangers. This product is available in 2 different styles, a gel pack and a bottle.

The name of this product is Monavie. The name Monavie means "The Tree of Life" and that is exactly where the Acai berry is from. This great product comes in a uniquely blended fruit juice which has not only the Acai berry but also the 17 other key fruits that has been proven to play a role in maintaining a minimum recommended daily fruit intake. You can purchase Monavie Gels or the Monavie Active (bottle) retail but it is cheaper and more beneficial for you to sign up as a distributor. Signing up as a distributor of Monavie you also have the ability to make money from it in up to 8 different ways. Check out the Monavie opportunity page for more information about the 8 different ways to earn money from this great product.

If you believe Monavie is not going to be a good option or is not something that you can afford due to budget constraints you may have. There are still 2 other product options which have Acai berries as a key ingredient in them. One is through a company called "Sambazon" who have an online store where you can purchase a variety of Acai products from. This is a cheaper alternative to Monavie and is becoming a popular choice amongst those who are on a budget.

The second product that is available comes only in capsule form which you can take each day. It contains the Acai berry as its key ingredient like Monavie and Sambazon which has been released by powersupplelments is called "Perfect Acai". These 2 products are good options and have worked well for many people just like Monavie has

While it is true that taking only the Acai berry you will recieve benefits like showing no signs of malnutrition and consume 35 times the amount of antioxidants of that found in a glass of red wine but you get the best of the other fruits available in the marketplace as well.

Try out Monavie and start telling others about your amazing discovery.

The Story

Acai Berry - The Story
Article Index
Acai Berry - The Story
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The story and what makes this so important is not some random urban myth or a story about how a explorer walking through a jungle looking for a mythical and mystical city then found a “fountain of youth” while on this journey. This is not about some weed or some plant that has healing powers that is unexplainable. This is a true story about a group of leading researchers and scientists who saw a health need and discovered the best and most authentic solution was the Acai berry.

A group of Acai berry experts led by Dr Ralph Carson realised that the world had such a large population not enjoying health enhancing benefits found in some of the world’s most wondrous fruits. Through proper intake and the right combination as well as balances of these fruits that are grown and harvested from some of the richest soils in the world. There were benefits that any individual would gain from consuming these fruits which also contained perhaps some of the most important nutrients that are missing in today’s polluted environment.

Together they made an important discovery which would greatly impact the landscape of personal wellbeing because of 4 important key factors associated with the Acai berry.

Factor 1 – The Forgotten Fruits

Throughout today’s world people are not eating enough fresh fruit. Whether this is due to cost, taste, convenience or even cultural the world has slowly moved towards cheaper, processed alternatives derived from fruits rather than consuming raw whole fruits. Dietary trends have also eliminated much of the health benefits which the natural world has to offer. In a lot of cases most fruits have become a forgotten thing.

Factor 2 – A wide variety

When people remember fruits they usually associate them with an apple or a banana. Then in the odd occasion that other additional fruits are considered they look at single cure-all nutrients. These fruits usually include a berry or melon. This is not always the case though. If you consider a human body with all of its functions and processes, it would be seen as unreasonable to assume that a single substance could assist in the body’s faculties or even assist the whole body.

Factor 3 – Colour Me Beautiful

The easiest way to describe this is fruit rich in colour equeals fruit rich in nutrients. At the end of the day it is all about the pigments in the fruit. Brightly coloured fruits naturally are said to contain high levels of antioxidants and phytonutrients for the plants protection. The brighter and deeper the pigments the more potency and more intense are the nutrient levels.

Factor 4 – Wear and Tear

While the nutrients that are contained within fruit the unfortunate fact is that even with the wear and tear that our bodies go through we still require more assistance. Once the damage is done to the body only a couple of natural substances can help. These are Glucosamine and Celadrin. The glucosamine restores flexibility and is a natural building block of healthy cartilage while the Celadrin will lubricate the cells in the body and revitalizes the membranes that cushion the bones and joints. To help such repairs to previous damage is in the benefits of fruits to have the full sway in the body.

Saturday, 5 July 2008

Acai Berry

The Acai berry was discovered many years ago by the people of the Amazon rainforest. These people used the Acai berry for many health related treatments as well as utilizing it as a major part of their day to day dietary source for fibre, nutrition and protein.

The native tribe people of the Amazon speak of the Acai berry (Euterpe Oleracea) and its amazing healing properties. These same people do not suffer blindness, from any forms of cancer, nor do they show any signs of malnutrition and they do not suffer from heart disease as a rule of thumb. Most of these people live to over 100 years of age.

The Acai berry was discovered by the western world in recent years but quickly started showing up in various smoothies and fruit juices. One of the most popular fruit juices available in the market place is produced by a company called Monavie. Monavie have two main stream products Original and Active which is made up of a unique blend of 19 different fruits including the Acai berry. One great offer that we have covered on this site is information about Monavie and the Monavie opportunity.

The positive benefits that the Acai berry has had on the overall health of people consuming this superfruit are not only surprising but they are also scientifically supported. The Acai berry has been taken seriously and has been researched extensively by many scientific groups and has also had many publications released by institutions like the University of Florida.

The results speak for themselves and everyone who has had any involvement in this magic berry promotes the facts about it with sincere belief which is an amazing feat in itself.

We offer a great range of information relating to the Acai berry which you or your friends and family may want to read over before purchasing one of the various Acai berry based products in the market place.

Many of the doctors of the western world believe that this is truly a gift from the gods, a super food, a food that once consumed on a regular basis shows results that not even the medicine from the western world can explain. In the berry alone there is all the right nutrients and minerals that humans need to sustain a healthy lifestyle if consumed over a period of time. As a general rule the people who consume this berry do not show signs of malnutrition, they experience better sleeping patterns and even mental clarity.

Celebrities are even talking about it, in fact the Acai berry itself has been spoken about by many leading media outlets and publications. Oprah even had a special guest come on and talk about the Acai berry. This is not a berry that has been taken lightly by anyone... People who learn about this berry start to see benefits that they did not even expect to read or hear about. This antioxidant, protein, vitamin and nutrient rich berry is something you should learn more about.

Take your time to have a look at the Acai testimonials, the Perfect Acai page and also the Acai articles that are on this site. We believe you will find them very informative and something that you could possibly find alot of helpful information about these great Acai products.