Sunday 6 July 2008

A proven formula (1)

A proven formula that makes a unique Acai blend

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Acai berry: The unique berry from the top of the Acai Palm in the Amazon rainforest which has recently gained fame in the western world. The Oprah show had a special guest Dr. Nicholas Perricone, MD who announced the Acai berry to the world as one of the top 10 superfoods in the world. His best seller book “The Perricone Promise” declears the most perfect food on the planet is the Acai berry.

In a segment that was aired on NBC’s Today Show called the Acai berry the Viagra of the Amazon. The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and Health Sciences Institute mentioned the Acai berry in various articles. Some of the benefits reported by these organisations said the benefits/features of the Acai berry are:

* Greater Energy / Stamina
* Improved Mental Focus
* Prevention and Treatment of Alzheimer’s
* Better Sleeping Patterns
* Improved Digestion
* Improved Sexual Function
* High Levels of Antioxidants
* Anti-aging support
* Promotes Better Circulation
* Prevents Arteriosclerosis
* Provides Anti-Allergenic Support
* Helps Prevent Blood Clots
* High Levels of Dietary Fibre
* High Levels of Essential Amino Acids and Trace Minerals
* High Levels of Plant Sterols Which Help Control Cholesterol
* Essential Fatty Acids Ratio that Resembles Olive Oil To Help Combat Heart Disease
* Protein Profile Similar To An Egg
* Very Low Sugar Content

Grapes Purple/White: The varying colours of grapes provide a spectrum of antioxidant protective power to this versatile fruit. Grape juice is reported to reduce the risk of cancer, stroke, heart disease and memory loss.
Purple grapes contain resveratrol which is a potent cancer fighting antioxidant found in red wine and other grape products. Grape juice has also been known to provide benefits in the areas of:

* Anti Aging
* Anti Bacterial / Viral
* Anti Inflammatory
* Antioxidants
* Arterial flexibility
* Brain, Skin and Eye Health
* Cardiovascular Health
* Gastric Health
* Inhibiting Prostate Cancer

Nashi Pear: This pear was once reserved to be served only to the wealth and to Chinese nobles. These pears have been grown, cultivated and consumed for centuries. Little is known about the Nashi pears origin but it started to appear in China approximately 3000 years ago.

Nashi pears are a great source of dietary fibre, they are also very high in potassium and other essential minerals. They contain almost 10% of the USRDA for Vitamin C, high concentrations of foliates which are members of the Vitamin B group. These vitamins are essential for metabolic activity and red blood cell production.

Acerola Cherries: The Acerola cherry grows in the sandy soils of tropical continents. It is a powerful antioxidant which is rich in vitamins and minerals. More than 150 nutritive constituents have abeen identified in Acerola. One area where the Acerola cherry excels is with its strong anti-fungal and cholesterol lowering capabilities.

If has also been proven to fight cellular aging while at the same time help with hydration of skin to promote healthy capillary function. The Acerola has been used over the years for:

* Treating fever, dysentery
* Healing wounds
* Inflammation
* Astringent
* Liver function and problems
* Renal system stimulant
* Diuretic
* Healthy heart function
* Anemia
* Diabetes
* Rheumatism
* Tuberculosis

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