Sunday 6 July 2008

The Story

Acai Berry - The Story
Article Index
Acai Berry - The Story
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The story and what makes this so important is not some random urban myth or a story about how a explorer walking through a jungle looking for a mythical and mystical city then found a “fountain of youth” while on this journey. This is not about some weed or some plant that has healing powers that is unexplainable. This is a true story about a group of leading researchers and scientists who saw a health need and discovered the best and most authentic solution was the Acai berry.

A group of Acai berry experts led by Dr Ralph Carson realised that the world had such a large population not enjoying health enhancing benefits found in some of the world’s most wondrous fruits. Through proper intake and the right combination as well as balances of these fruits that are grown and harvested from some of the richest soils in the world. There were benefits that any individual would gain from consuming these fruits which also contained perhaps some of the most important nutrients that are missing in today’s polluted environment.

Together they made an important discovery which would greatly impact the landscape of personal wellbeing because of 4 important key factors associated with the Acai berry.

Factor 1 – The Forgotten Fruits

Throughout today’s world people are not eating enough fresh fruit. Whether this is due to cost, taste, convenience or even cultural the world has slowly moved towards cheaper, processed alternatives derived from fruits rather than consuming raw whole fruits. Dietary trends have also eliminated much of the health benefits which the natural world has to offer. In a lot of cases most fruits have become a forgotten thing.

Factor 2 – A wide variety

When people remember fruits they usually associate them with an apple or a banana. Then in the odd occasion that other additional fruits are considered they look at single cure-all nutrients. These fruits usually include a berry or melon. This is not always the case though. If you consider a human body with all of its functions and processes, it would be seen as unreasonable to assume that a single substance could assist in the body’s faculties or even assist the whole body.

Factor 3 – Colour Me Beautiful

The easiest way to describe this is fruit rich in colour equeals fruit rich in nutrients. At the end of the day it is all about the pigments in the fruit. Brightly coloured fruits naturally are said to contain high levels of antioxidants and phytonutrients for the plants protection. The brighter and deeper the pigments the more potency and more intense are the nutrient levels.

Factor 4 – Wear and Tear

While the nutrients that are contained within fruit the unfortunate fact is that even with the wear and tear that our bodies go through we still require more assistance. Once the damage is done to the body only a couple of natural substances can help. These are Glucosamine and Celadrin. The glucosamine restores flexibility and is a natural building block of healthy cartilage while the Celadrin will lubricate the cells in the body and revitalizes the membranes that cushion the bones and joints. To help such repairs to previous damage is in the benefits of fruits to have the full sway in the body.

1 comment:

Nultz said...

Hi There,
I saw this article on Magic Berry. It was a great article.